(404) 839-6452
your salon experience
a different salon studio
finding the beauty in imperfection.
cozy and comfortable.
serene and simplistic beauty.
relaxation and harmony.
you have permission to disconnect and destress.
let me play in your hair.
I don't know how to juggle. you're not shuffled around from one spot to another. i am with you from beginning to end.

Ensuring the Best Experience
be considerate... silence your phone. encouraging intense value to your time, my cell is silenced also.
be reliable... reschedule your appointment if you are later than 13 min. if you're running late and can make it before the 13 min no problem. later than 13 min you're considered a no show and your appointment is cancelled. you reschedule the appointment for a better day.
be respectful... cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance anything less, 1/2 the service is owed
be independent... make your own online appointment, trust the system. You'll receive confirmation of appointment once made. email or text 24-48 hours appointment reminder sent to you. cancel and reschedule as you need.
hourly scheduling... you generally know how long you are in the salon more than you know fancy salon terminology. neither of us watch the clock, I'm not charging you more at the appointment if we exceed scheduled time. I'll recommend a different scheduling time if we miss the mark.
children welcome when receiving services
no refunds
need an adjustment with color or haircut? reschedule within 14 days of service. 15 days later is a new appointment.
foregoing patch test for allergies is a release of all liability
if you've read this far and all sounds super? we might just be a match! if not, no problem. there are other studios out there and you'll find your space.
the more we jive, the stronger the tribe